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November 2013 – MW Property Group Newsletter

New Website, New offices and almost New Years!


The end of the year is quickly approaching and we find ourselves wondering where the first 11 months of the year went?!?

Although we experience this same thought year after year here we are, wondering, yet again. Its certainly been an interesting year thus far, property rental prices appear to be stabilizing, interest in foreign ownership has picked up and there seems to be an up tick in new expatriates arriving.

We have been working on a few projects here at MW and we would like to share them with you… (click here to view full Newsletter)

New Website:

We finally went live on our new Company website http://mwproperty.mu (http://mwproperty.mu) – it has a cleaner more sophisticated look and feel. The technology behind the site has also been upgraded, its more responsive to mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, is quicker to load and displays larger images in the property galleries. We would love to hear any feedback, hopefully we can keep improving it!

Black River office Situated in the trendy and upmarket Shopping complex, “Riverview” in Tamarin Black River (near the new “La Balise Marina” IRS), the final touches and branding will be completed by 1st December 2013 and we invite those in the area to pop in for a coffee, for those who haven’t been to this centre before we are overlooking a great cafe style restaurant called “The Corner Bistro”.

Lastly, our new 2014 magnetic Fridge Calendars have just arrived and we will be distributing them again as we did last year, if you dont receive one for whatever reason please feel free to drop into our local office and grab a few…they come in handy.

For those of you who haven’t made it to our Facebook Fan Page here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/mwPropertymauritius
Dont forget to like the page to receive automatic updates on new properties!

All the best!

Wes & The MW Property Group Team.

To view the rest of the newsletter in your browser please click here: http://eepurl.com/IJRsv

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