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Mauritius Gearing itself as a Financial Services Hub

A great article came out this week on the MoneyWeb website which discusses the vision that Mauritian leasders have for Mauritius becoming a Financial services Hub and its competitiveness in attracting companies in this sector.

“It’s worth taking note of Mauritius’s move to position itself as an attractive destination for financial services.

With a population of just 1.3 million, the island boasts 21 banks, including such global names as HSBC, Standard Chartered, Barclays, Deutsche Bank and South Africa’s own Investec and Standard Bank.”

….Click this link to read further: http://www.moneyweb.co.za/moneyweb-financial/mauritius-africas-next-financial-services-hub

There has certainly been a noticeable increase in expatriates who work in this industry.

This makes 2014 an  interesting year on the rental (property) market because it is becoming apparent that there will be a lack of supply of quality homes (appealing to an expatriate) from the end of the year. Prices have hit the bottom and we may now see an increase in rental prices. Definitely a good time to lock yourself into a new lease at todays price on favorable terms to avoid higher rents going forward. (if you are a client/tenant)

– We Carlson (January 30th 2014)



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