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Choosing the Right Rental Option in Mauritius: Furnished, Unfurnished, or Residential complex?

Moving to Mauritius, even for a relatively short time is really exciting, and you want to find the accommodation that will suit your needs during your stay. What kinds of accommodation should you look at? There are so many options: houses, apartments, furnished or unfurnished homes, residential complexes and more. The first thing you need to do is to determine which option you’d like to look into. Let’s go through your options.

Renting furnished accommodation

This option is usually chosen by those who will only be renting accommodation in Mauritius for a limited time, 3 years and less. It is the most common choice, after all, the costs of importing your own furniture or buying a houseful of new furniture are high, so although furnished homes and apartments are a little more costly, you could benefit from substantial savings.

A furnished rental property will usually have all the basics you need to be comfortable – including household appliances. When noted as being equipped it will probably also include all the equipment , therefore all you need to bring are your suitcases! Ask for an inventory list and go through it to determine whether you’ll have everything you need and to work out what you’d have to spend if you want to get any extras. The inspection before you move in is very important. Go through all items listed on the inventory with your property agent and list any signs of wear or damage to ensure that you aren’t held responsible for them when you move out.

Unfurnished accommodation in Mauritius

If you’re moving to Mauritius for more than just a couple of years, are hoping to settle here or are already a permanent resident, you’ll want to surround yourself with your own personal effects or even start from scratch by decorating and furnishing your home.

The most common arrangement for unfurnished accommodation is a 3-year lease, but shorter and longer leases are available depending on your (and your landlord’s) needs. Do check on exit clauses before signing. The usual agreements allow you to give three months’ notice without incurring any penalties if you would like to move out before the period covered by the lease is over. Be sure to provide written notice of your intentions to get the ball rolling.

Subletting isn’t usually allowed, once again, it’s worth checking the terms of your lease before finalising any property deal. Some homeowners don’t mind subletting as long as you obtain permission ahead of time. It’s also a good idea to get written permission for any changes you’d like to make – if your landlord doesn’t like them, he or she is entitled to ask for the property to be returned to its original condition at your expense.

Of course, one of the big advantages of renting is that certain property maintenance and repair tasks remain the responsibility of the owner, and the lease agreement will usually stipulate how and when your rental may be increased. Always read lease agreements thoroughly, check the facts if anything is unclear, and ask for any changes that you would consider essential.

Residential complexes in Mauritius

There are excellent residential complexes or security estates scattered around Mauritius, often in very desirable areas. Many of these are already furnished, and complexes usually offer a few communal facilities as perks for residents. Residential complexes may consist of duplexes, apartments or houses and you can choose a residence in Grand Baie, Trou aux Biches, Pereybere, Grand Gaube, Tamarin, Black River, Ebene, Pheonix, Floral, Flic en Flac to name but a few.

Residential complexes have security guards on duty, provision is made for residents’ and guests’ parking, and you may have access to a balcony or small private garden for outdoor relaxation. Find out what facilities are available. Access to a complex swimming pool is just one of the added perks you can enjoy in many of the residential complexes in Mauritius. Apart from this, access control and 24/7 security are big plus points that attract residents to residential complexes.

A checklist that will help you to narrow down your list of possible homes

Your budget is obviously a good starting point, as is the number of bedrooms you’ll be needing, but a property agent will check on these points first. Help him or her to guide you through the most suitable options by adding these considerations:

·       Desired duration of lease

·       Furnished or unfurnished

·       House, apartment or complex?

·       Do you need your home to be near your work or your kids’ schools?

·       Do you have pets? (not all landlords like pets)

·       Quiet or busy area?

·       Distance to shopping centres

·       Parking availability

·       Any other specifics that are a must in your individual circumstances (for example, disabled access, safe play areas for children, etc.)

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